Easy to adopt, robust accounting alternative to Quickbooks, Netsuite, and others

*No credit card required
a woman sitting at a desk and working on a laptop

"Adipisicing non eiusmod ut quis ea sit et dolor eiusmod laboris. Esse incididunt aliquip eu velit cupidatat mollit. Nostrud nostrud officia eu deserunt quis occaecat"

Accounting built for wholesalers

Better (and easier) than Quickbooks, Netsuite, Sage, and other ERP software.

Relentless focus results in a depth of proficiency. We only work with wholesalers. We aim to be the best in class for software  and services for wholesaler optimization.

Quickbooks and Sage accounting software serve hundreds of different industries, while Netsuite serves at least 17.

For this reason, their software is overcomplicated and bloated with features you don’t need but must pay for. This excess of features complicates user learning and compromises ease of use. 

We know full well that learning and getting confident with new accounting software is a big ask.

We’ve done five things to make your accounting team’s journey comfortable and quick:

Simple to find, familiar features

The user controls, and navigation are immediately intuitive. Menu actions are clearly labeled and where you’d expect to find them.

Fast, straightforward training

Learn.salesorder.com contains everything the accounting professional needs to know presented in comprehensive and concise video and interactive lessons.

A practice sandbox for every user

It’s been proven time and time again that giving every user access to their own personal instance of Salesorder rapidly eases users into their comfort zone and allows them to achieve their learning objectives quickly.

Expertise on demand

Our in-house team of accounting professionals is available by appointment to give you advice, answers, and solutions.

Dedicated AI accounting assistant

We’re habitually putting everything our users, and we learn about wholesaler accounting into the brain of our dedicated chatbot. Users can phrase questions their way to get coherent answers in seconds.

(Coming Sept' 2024)

Immediately Intuitive Accounting

Comfortable, fast, and free Training.

a man sitting at a desk and working on a laptop

Enterprise Class Accounting

Built-in, robust core accounting features to simplify and streamline workflows

a manstanding in a warehouse and looking at his tablet

Solid track record

$ 0 M+
0 +

We’re proud to provide robust accounting for enterprises of $280M+, mid range and fledgling wholesalers for 4+ years.

Disparate system eliminated

Because accounting is built into the Salesorder architecture, it streamlines processes and improves efficiency by eliminating the need for multiple disparate systems and manual data entry, saving time and reducing the risk of errors.


Manage all aspects of your general ledger, accounts payable, accounts receivable, and cash management in multiple currencies.

General Ledger

A robust GL that serves as a central repository for all financial transactions. Wholesalers can track income, expenses, assets, and liabilities in real-time, gaining insights into their financial health and performance.

Accounts Payable

Easily manage AP processes, including vendor invoices, payments, and credit memos. The platform streamlines invoice processing, tracks payment due dates, and helps maintain accurate records of outstanding liabilities.

Accounts Receivable

The platform efficiently manages AR, allowing wholesalers to configure credit controls and track customer invoices, payments, and credit notes. It automates invoicing processes, sends payment reminders, and helps you stay on top of outstanding receivables.

Aging debtors and Statements

As well as running reports to analyse and highlight aging debtors, you can generate and automate the production and emailing of customer statements, or present them in the Trade Acceleration Portal.

Cash Management

Track and manage cash flow effectively. Salesorder provides insights into cash balances, forecasts future cash flows, and helps optimize cash management strategies to ensure liquidity and financial stability.

Lowest cost ACH and Card processing

Our accounting integrates with payment processing that offers the lowest fees to help you increase your transaction margins.

Accounting periods

Configure and leverage accounting periods to maintain accurate financial records, comply with regulatory requirements, improve financial planning and decision-making, and enhance operational efficiency.

Versatile period end close

Users can open and close Accounting periods with (or without) preset ‘open until’ periods for specific types of transactions i.e. Journals and Purchase Invoices to specific categories of accounts in the general ledger.

Controls to appropriately date transactions to ensure the integrity of the accounting operates in conjunction with the period’s presets.

a woman sitting at a desk with a laptop and using a calculator

Every transaction linked. Always on Audit trail

We make tracing and backtracking every user action easy. As well as recording every transaction version and the corresponding user ID. Salesorder automatically links every transaction in every workflow, i.e. Order > Invoice > Payment.

Report everything in every way, your way.

Single Source of Truth…

Joined-up accounting, sales, and inventory data means a single, unified source of the truth for all of your reports.

…to eliminate effort, and errors

Because we’ve eliminated the need to manually gather and reconcile data from disparate multiple sources, you save time and reduce the risk of errors.

Real-Time 2D reports.
Excel Export

We simplified accounting reporting without compromising versatility and power. We make it easy to create and memorize tens of variants to deliver insights and export them to Excel. See FAQ for a list of reports.

Custom 2D reports

If you need a report, we’ll create it for you. We’ve integrated our data model with a versatile tool to quickly design and deliver custom reports.

Microsoft Power BI Dashboards

Power BI is the market leader by a country mile. It’s integrated with your Salesorder system. See here for more information.

Optimization: Adapt and accelerate

Customize and automate your accounting.

Increase top and bottom line performance

Salesorder is built from the ground up to be adapted or leverage automation.

If you reviewed our pricing, you’ll see we’re incentivized to work with you to apply our software and wholesaling know how to increase your top and bottom line performance.

Anything we can make software do to deliver efficiency is a win win. Wherever and whenever you need to add to or modify your system, or automate a workflow we’re here to listen and help.

a woman sitting at a desk and working on a laptop


What data does the Quickbooks Transformer move?

The data in your legacy accounting software falls into two categories:

  1. Standing data: Chart of Accounts (COA), Suppliers, Items (i.e. SKUs), and Customers. We refer to this as ASIC data.
  2. Transactions: Orders, Invoices, etc.

The majority of accounting transactions in your legacy accounting system are completed and historical, the rest are open.

All data transfer and storage are protected by encryption.

Salesorder’s wholesale accounting software enables you to set up and track multiple currencies. You can:

Our order management software’s sales and purchasing documents automatically display and record the international or foreign price or cost, specific trading currency, related exchange rate, correct tax code for each customer or supplier.
Foreign currency transactions and balances are shown in reports in both the local and trading currency (fx) values.
Users can perform Currency adjustments as and when required.

Salesorder uses the average cost method (aka weighted-average method) and assigns a cost to inventory items based on the total cost of goods purchased in a period divided by the total number of items purchased or produced.